It's not officially fall just yet but it sure does feel like fall already. The morning hours are crisp and cold and everyone is breaking out their sweaters and long pants. Once the kids are back in school, I often go into baking mode. I love to bake. It's soothing and it makes the house smell yummy. Every year, around this time, I make a delicious, moist pumpkin bread that my family and I go crazy over. I haven't made it just yet because I have been obsessed with banana bread with dark … [Read more...]
Edy’s Pumpkin Ice Cream is DELICIOUS!
I just finished the last bit of Pumpkin Spice ice cream from Edy's. It's indeed a sad, sad day. You may be asking why. Well, here's the thing. I have a bit of an obsession with pumpkin. I love almost anything with pumpkin in it; Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin mousse pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin spiced cake, coffee with pumpkin spice sprinkled on top of whipped cream -- the list can literally go on and on. The day before Thanksgiving, crazy me, went into Stop and Shop … [Read more...]
Easy Recipe: Old-Fashioned Pumpkin Loaf Bread (Sabroso Saturday)
When summer is gone and school is in session, I tend to bake more because I love the way my house smells when there's something baking in the oven. Even more so when it contains pumpkin pie spice. The smells that permeates the air puts me in a great mood. I love anything that is pumpkin -- Pumpkin pie, pumpkin flavored coffee, pumpkin cake, pumpkin bread, you name it, I love it! The one recipe I make every year is the Old-Fashioned Pumpkin Nut Loaf Bread. Ever since I found this recipe … [Read more...]