Hurricane Irene came to the tri-state and left a huge mess everywhere, including my basement. My basement was flooded with two inches of water and left most of our possessions damp and smelly. And one of our possessions were our suitcases. I brought them upstairs to clean them and Febreze them like crazy. I let them air out for days and thought they were good to go. I packed my clothes for Blogalicious 2011 and was ready to go....or so I thought. The night I checked in, I took my clothes … [Read more...]
Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Can You Find Me? (W/ Linky)
It's that time again. Happy Hump Day. I bet you all can't wait for the weekend. As for me, I can't wait for my hubby to get home. He's in the National Guard so he's helping out people in need during the disaster that Hurricane Irene left. Anyway, I was looking through my papers, as I do every week and I came across a picture I took from my mom. My kids love seeing photos of me when I was a kid as much as I do. Sometimes they even say I still look the same. I wonder if they're just saying that … [Read more...]
Before & After Hurricane #Irene
What's going on in my life here in New York......thanks to Hurricane Irene. Rain is pouring down, as I write this. Rain has been falling since yesterday afternoon. My garage is flooded. Half of my driveway/backyard looks like a small lake. {fyi: That pipe across the driveway is a make-shift sump pump that hubby created to divert rain water. Too bad it's not working today} My husband was activated to the National Guard to help out with emergencies and possible disasters so he's … [Read more...]