We all know that winter is the most important time to keep your skin well moisturized. In fact, I recently wrote all about one of my favorite lotions. If you haven't read my post about Lubriderm, click anywhere on this link to learn more about it. Most of us know that feeling of dry, flaky, itchy skin during this time. You'll find me applying lotion in the morning, throughout the day and before I go to bed. I'm always applying moisturizer where ever I am. Being that I use lotion so much, I … [Read more...]
Ten Tips to Remember the Next Time You Visit Your Doctor
May 8, 2012 by 7 Comments
Working in a medical office has opened my eyes to many things so I decided to compile a list of things one should think about when visiting their doctor. Here Are Your Ten Tips: 1. Arrive early - If your appointment is for 9am, please allow ample time to check-in. Expect to arrive at least 5-10 minutes early. Remember, you are not the only patient the doctor has on his agenda. Be courteous to others and never take the doctor's time for granted. Doctors, nurses and your fellow … [Read more...]