I was looking through my old photos to try to find a picture of my dad and I so I can post it on Facebook for Father's Day and I found a picture that was taken in 84'. I began laughing because if you look at my little sister, she looks like she is holding for dear life. The good ol' days! Have a Wordless Wednesday Post? Link up your post below. I would love to see your photo! And don’t forget to visit these participants as well: The Domestic Buzz, Momspective, Dear Crissy & 5 … [Read more...]
Freestyle Music: Forever in my Heart
June 2, 2011 by 21 Comments
Like many Freestyle music lovers, freestyle music is my heart and soul. I grew up listening to KTU on the radio and buying cassette tapes so I can listen in the comfort of my apartment back in the 80's and early 90's. Ever since I could remember, I have loved all types of music, specifically any music I can dance my butt off to. I loved Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Lionel Ritchie, Cyndi Lauper and even a little bit of Rock & Roll but the music that stays in my heart is definitely … [Read more...]