My son got this shirt from Hot Topic yesterday. I didn’t get to see what he bought (I gave him his space and waited outside) until he washed it last night. I don’t know why he decided on buying this shirt but I feel it may start some controversy at school.
What do you think?
FYI: My husband and I are not too thrilled about the shirt…
That’s the popular phrase right now…for the cool kids. I’ve heard among fitness bloggers. The shirt is bit odd but it should be ok. Kudos to you for letting him express himself.
Patty recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Healthy Living Tools
He’s 16 so I figured he could be doing worse. lol
I agree with Patty it’s definitely a phrase right now. Not sure how to interpret the shirt…But I guess Jesus riding the T-Rex (which wasn’t the T-Rex the king of dinasaurs?IDK) makes Jesus a bigger boss? Beyond confused. I think I’m too old for this. But you should ask him what the shirt means to him bc now inquiring minds need to know! lol
Jai recently posted..Mami Monday | Back to School Organization Tips
He says it’s nothing negative. It’s just merely a statement of what he believes — Jesus is boss. I guess I can’t get angry but I do get confused when they add our savior in the mix. Teenagers! Lol