Wordless Wednesday: A Hoarder? (#linky)

Does this mean I’m a magazine hoarder?Β  If I told you I had a huge bin of magazines, would you think I was?Β  LOL There’s more to this madness in a nice, blue bin.

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  1. hola!!! I don’t think you’re a hoarder just yet! LOL What are you saving those for? I always tell my mom, if there’s something you like from the magazine, tear it out and put it in a look book or crafts book or design book (binder) so you don’t save the entire mag, just what you love!

    Oops! I put the wrong link!

    it’s here

  2. Love magazines too. but I do give them away when I am done…maybe try that for a de-heaording option LOL
    Twin Sisters – Then and Now #wordlesswednesday http://j.mp/q2TcOL
    twinswithtots (@twinswithtots) recently posted..Twin sisters -Then and Now

  3. Hey I wanted to read that Kardashian Redbook! πŸ™‚

    You’re not a hoarder, how come you save magazines? I use to but now unless its the Sept 2011 GQ with hot Mark Sanchez (NY JETS) on the cover, I don’t save magazines. No room! πŸ™‚
    Patty @ A Day in My NYC recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Penguins Rumble in the Alley

  4. Ha hahaha this made me crack up! So crazy because I literally just got rid of a ton of mags. I keep them for no reason….It’s only a matter of time before they start to accumalate again.

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  5. Well, your mag stacks are a lot neater then mine!! LOL
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  6. Hmmm why am I hording magazines? Honestly, the only thing I can think of is that there’s always an article or two or three I want to go back to and read and looks like it takes me forever to do just that. LOL I’m in the process of throwing them away…..as soon as I read those articles! πŸ˜‰

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