Cough, sneeze, sniff, sniff.
That’s what I’ve been doing for the past few days. I’m so tired of being sick. Before leaving to Orlando, I had just got over a cold that lasted about two weeks. My 6 year old got over an ear infection just 3 days before leaving.
While in Orlando, m husband told me our daughter was sick in bed with fever and a bad cough. Oh no! What a way to make a mom feel good while having fun at Disney. I felt terrible but was so relieved that hubby held down the fort while I was gone. he took good care of her and when I got back, she was feeling a lot better.
I got back Sunday night feeling exhausted. It was a whirlwind weekend which I will post about when I get my brain cells back. After a few days of getting back to normal, I started to feel worse. I got up Wednesday morning with a nasty cough. I could not believe I was getting sick again.
Yesterday morning was THE worse day ever! I got up with a massive headache that forced me to lay on the sofa practically all day long. On top of that, my six year old was complaining of an earache.
Oh no, not again!
Every time I would get up, my head felt like someone was hitting me with a hammer – it was that bad! I never experienced anything like that. Whatever pain medicine I took, didn’t work. I didn’t eat, didn’t drink; the only thing I did do was sleep or at least try. With a spunky six year old it’s kinda difficult to sleep.
The best thing that happened yesterday involved leftovers and my son . My 14 year old son took it upon himself to heat up the food from the day before (thank goodness I cooked extra!) and served his siblings. When I’m sick, he helps me tremendously. I’m so so blessed to have great kids.
We all finally hit our beds (minus my husband) at 10pm. Although I napped all day here and there, I was still very tired.I went to bed feeling like crap but thankfully I woke up this morning with no headache. I was still sniffling and coughing but not having a headache is the best thing ever after suffering from one for 12+ hours.
Have you ever had a headache that lingered for far too long?
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Lisa, this just happened to me this past couple weeks! I broke down because the sinus headaches were so bad and bought some Allegra-D. I was better in 24 hours. I hope you get some relief and can get back to normal soon.
Shelly recently posted..Boys like to spit huh
Oh and your son is so sweet to look out for his siblings like that. It’s a great reflection of having GREAT parents 🙂
Shelly recently posted..Boys like to spit huh
I tried taking Alleve and since I have thyroid problems, I think it aggravated my heart rate so I felt so much worse. Thank God no headache today! My son’s funny – when it comes to food, he will deliver! LOL Thanks for stopping by!
Honey I am so sorry you’re sick again….ack! Did you get a flu shot? Do you take probiotics?
Caryn B recently posted..A Su Salud-To Your Health…CVS Offers Free Health Screenings
Didn’t get the flu shot this year at all. I haven’t in the last few years. There’s something about that I just don’t trust. I should really get into the probiotics. Next time for sure. Thanks Caryn.
Sorry to hear you are under the weather. This crazy weather doesn’t help either! Feel better. Drink lots of tea. Eat soup. Do you take vitamin c??
Sunshine recently posted..The Weekend
Glad BB took over, what a good boy. Hope ur headache free for a long time. *HUGS*
I’m slowly recovering. Thanks girl.
I’m so glad today is a better day! Hope that headache stays away. We need some warm weather to make everyone feel good!
Patty recently posted..Post It Note Tuesday
Girl, that was me on Friday. I couldn’t get up. I took two migraine medications and nothing worked.I was in bed all day just getting up to put warm towels on my head, tiger balm on my temples, and vicks on my nose. I got at about 8pm when I had a cracker (food and me weren’t gonna mix no Friday) then went back to bed. I woke up Saturday afternoon. The headache was still there but I thought this might be allergy related, so I took an Alleve D, which did the trick. Allergies that cause congestion can give me a migraine-like headache. I’m a whole lot better now but am taking zyrtec daily just in case. Thtat’s my pill-popping regimen.
I’m so glad you’re feeling a big better. Stress + a hectic schedule + mommyhood is a LOT to deal with and sometimes our bodies say, NO. And we are forced to stop.
Hope you got the rest you needed.