Guess what? My husband and I are NOT celebrating Valentine’s Day. It’s not a shocker right? Most people believe the “holiday” is commercially exaggerated and I agree, although my husband and I have celebrated in the past (this year is all about our girls). It’s a day of love (according to Cupid) but if you’ve been married for 15 years like us, showing love to your loved ones everyday of the year means much more than just showing love for one day.
Agree? 😉
Well even if you don’t agree, I found some fun facts about the most bought food/snack — chocolate (which I will buy tomorrow – the day after Valentine’ Day at 50% off! ;))!
Fun Facts:
— Chocolate originated over 4,000 years ago.
— Chocolate is the ultimate Food Symbol of Valentine’s Day
— Chocolate is the TOP antioxidant food.
— More than 35 million heart shaped boxes of chocolate are sold for Valentine’s Day.
— One billion cards are exchanged yearly.
The History of Valentine’s Day:
According to the History Channel, the day was dedicated to the patron saint of romantic causes, Saint Valentine. The Saint himself actually sent the first “Valentine.” It is believed that while jailed, he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter and shortly before his death, he wrote her a letter which he signed “From your Valentine.”
Hope you enjoyed a little bit of history — Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Cool story! I never thought to look it up. Guess since I don’t celebrated either. I had chocolate cravings so I bought kit kat white chocolate, lol. So rico!
Hope your hubby gets a good deal on a washing machine. That is one of my worst fears that my machine will break. I don’t put too much clothes because of it. God knows I wouldn’t be able to get another one!
Isolated Existence recently posted..Happy Valentines Day – Feliz Día de San Valentín!
Me neither. Sometimes it’s good to know the history of those funny “holidays”. About the washer, we found one that someone is selling on craigslist for about a hundred bucks. I’m hoping we can get it b/c it’s cheaper than going to the laundromat. Thanks for the good vibes – we need it! 😉
My best Valentine’s Day is had nothing to do with a guy. One year my dad asked that we not make plans on this day so he could take out his three girls! It was awesome! 🙂
NYCPatty recently posted..What is Love
Oh yea – I remember those days with my dad too. They are the most special. He was always “my” valentine. He never forgot to get a card, chocolate hearts and take us out to eat (my sister and I).
Never trust someone who is not allergic to it, but says they just don’t like chocolate! 😉
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly recently posted..Bel Viso Facial Skincare Set Giveaway from Borghese! 4 winners! Ends 02-17-11
I don’t even know anyone who doesn’t like chocolate.. Oh wait, I think I do – Kim from I believe she mentioned that to me at an event. I have to make sure. lol
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, hun! I celebrated with my son. And that was fine by me!
Alicia @Mommy Delicious recently posted..Stolen Moments At Midnight With My Love
Awww thank you!! Hope your day with your son was fabulous!