Shout-Out Sunday – 1/16/11

It’s that time again.  Time for a Shout-Out Sunday post.  It’s where I showcase posts written by bloggers from around the blogosphere.  I hope you enjoy this weeks picks.

  1. Tell me how you really feel…
  2. Is it time I stopped blogging?
  3. 3 kids, 3 countries within 3 years? Yikes!
  4. An interview with Tisha Campbell about encouraging women to focus on health.
  5. Is there such a thing as new beginnings?
  6. My mom is better than yours.
  7. Beware of the repeater.

Remember, if there’s a post you loved during the week, please email me their url to Lisa [at]

Happy Sunday!


  1. I loved these posts. Yay for shout-outs!
    Alicia @Mommy Delicious recently posted..WINNER! Bliss Spa Gift Card Giveaway

  2. Hey Lisa! Looks like we read most of the same blogs. Thanks for the shout out girl!

    I really needed to read your #2 pick. It made me think about some things about myself. I will not stop 🙂

    Have a good week.
    Sheliza recently posted..Beware of the Repeater


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