Being that there are so many online predators nowadays, I often wonder where the majority of parents keep their home computers in the home.
Before my last child was born, we had the extra room as our “computer room.” Back then I wasn’t worried about my kids entering a site that was inappropriate or them looking at videos on YouTube (there are some ridiculous videos on that site that should be rated xxx).
Now that my kids range from 5 to 14 years old, I’m not taking any chances on anything that involves the internet.
My husband and I had a debate about whether or not we should put our computer in the TV room or leave it in our living room. I don’t like the “look” the computer gives a living room because it makes it look too cluttered in my opinion but I like the fact that if hubby and I are watching TV, we know exactly what our kids are doing and what they’re looking at because we are in the same room.
That is why my husband and I chose to have our computer in the living room. It’s not ideal because the room is a lot smaller and like I said before, cluttered but if any of the kids want to go on the computer, we are not far away to monitor them.
My motto is, “Better to be safe, than sorry.”
So do you have a separate room for your home computer or do you allow your child/children to have their own computer in their bedrooms?
Or maybe you’re just like us and have your computer in the living room.
I would love to know your point of view.
Great post!
I am strict when it comes to security and believe that no one should be using the comp dot antything that I can’t see. The comp is in the livingroom and I can see the screen from sofa. Granted my daughter is only 4!
Kristina Brooke recently posted..Committed- reflections of an abandoned girl
Hey Kristina. I don’t think there’s nothing wrong with that. Start em’ young! lol My DH and I are strict too. I don’t want them to think they can do whatever they want because it’s the internet.