Wordless Wednesday – I wish you could smell it!

This is my favorite!

Lilac Tree in the backyard

Lilac Tree in my backyard

Smells divine!

Smells divine!

Flowers are so sweet.

Flowers are so sweet.

What’s your favorite flower?


  1. I am so jealous. I love lilacs! Growing up we had lilac trees in our backyard and my mom would have them in vases all over the house…it smelled so good! Anytime I smell lilacs, I think of my mom. They don’t grow here in NC….can you send me some???? 🙂

    • Awww how sweet. I wish I can but by the time they get to you, they wouldn’t be fresh. You know you can get them from a florist or even online. Go check it out! Good luck.

  2. I live in the Lilac City and I still haven’t bought a Lilac bush. They are so easy to grow in the right temps. We actually have a lilac festival every year and we just went today for Mother’s Day. We have lots of different varieties but I only like the ones that don’t smell too strong. Enjoy your bush it looks beautiful!

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